Before putting up homes for sale, owners may need to invest in some important repairs. This way, potential buyers will have a good impression of your house and you, the home seller, can maximize your property's worth. If you're thinking about major home renovation to further jack up its market price, scrap that, for the preparations that you'll need are just basic and practical.

Remember that you're making a good impression on the buyers so fix the things that they would see first. Consider a paint job. Flaky paint is no good but before you have your walls repainted make sure that the exterior wood or drywall are in great condition. If not, fix any damage first. Go easy on the color though. Neutral shade can make a better impression on most buyers more than the bold, bright colors. Stay on the safe side.

Windows that are damaged must be repaired too. Replace missing screens. Make sure that the windows open easily or else it will be considered a fire hazard by home inspectors sent by the buyer which in effect can attract lower bids.

It is also important to check the condition of the floors. Make sure it doesn't squeak and have them replaced or repaired immediately as soon as you find a problem.

The carpets must be clean too. Send it to professional cleaners to get rid of the odor especially if you have pets. Pet smell and stain can affect a buyer's decision.

When appliances are included in the sale, these must be working properly. Fix and clean the stove, dryer vents or anything that you've included in the package. Replace the things that you think are worth the price.

The roof is also an important part of the house and definitely needs to be in the best condition before the first buyer pays a visit. Leaking roof must be taken care of the soonest time possible and so are the roof vents, chimneys, vent stocks, flashing and anything that may be affected by the leak coming from the roof.

Pipes, hot tubs, pools, plumbing fixtures, sinks and faucets must be inspected and repaired as well especially for leaks. Also important are the hot and cold lines to be working properly. Some buyers put premium on a good kitchen. A change of countertops (or at least have it caulked) can do wonders on your kitchen's overall appearance.

If you have a fireplace, have it cleaned as well and fixed. Make sure that it is well-maintained in the first place. Show off its best features when buyers come to visit. If you have nice lighting around the fireplace, turn it on for cozy effect.

Light bulbs and other electrical features must be cleaned, fixed or replaced accordingly. Turn on the lights or open the shades to let the natural light in and create a homey ambiance. Buyers would love to have a well-lighted abode and the warmth feeling that it brings.

When it comes to things to fix, don't go overboard with the expenses. Most of the time, the simple repairs can go a long way. For major repairs, have it assessed before offering it to the buyers so you'd know how far your negotiations could go.